CBUB / Database / Sci-Fi / G / Galaxy Megazord

Galaxy Megazord

CBUB Wins: 0
CBUB Losses: 0
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Win Percentage: 0%

Added by: leroypowell3

Read more about Galaxy Megazord at: Wikipedia

Official Site: Saban

The Zord used during Power Rangers Lost Galaxy were in fact sentient creatures called Galactabeasts.

The Galactabeasts are giant animals that can be communicated with the Galaxy Rangers, and after drawing energy from the Trans Daggers, they can become metallic Galactazords and can merge into the Galaxy Megazord. The Galactabeasts are:

The Galaxy Megazord is the combined form of all the Galactabeasts. The Gorilla becomes the waist & legs, Condor can attach to the back but half of the body can be used for the Condor Missile Mode, Lion forms the body & head, and finally the Wolf & Wildcat form the arms. The Galaxy Megazord can gain enhanced power from the Lights of Orion called the Orion Galaxy Megazord, and also possesses the sentience of the Galactabeasts that form it. Its main weapon is the Galaxy Megazord Saber.

It is able to use many attacks, such as the Condor Missile (where Condor Galaxyzord forms a cannon and shoots his beak armour at the villain). However, the Zords naturally form:

Galaxy Megazord

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